
You only ever do this once.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Poker Management

So, I've played my fair share of Hold'em over the last few years and one thing I never really gave much thought was playing it semi-seriously. I did a little researching and found some very interesting bankroll management strategies for paying yourself and building your poker bankroll.

I only made a small initial deposit of $50 and I'm going to see if I can't build this to $1,000 in less than one year. The rules to the management scheme are fairly simple.

I can't buy into any STT or cash game for more than 5% of my total bankroll. This means that with my initial $50, I cannot buy into any STT or cash game for more than $2.50. Now, if I'm at a cash game and my money on the table exceeds 10% of my total bankroll, I have to get up and leave the table and then I can sit back down with just the 5% of the bankroll once again. This way, I can't possibly dump all the winnings that I have just accumulated on that same game.

I also love to play in the scheduled MTT's. With this bankroll management strategy that I chose, I won't allow myself to buy into a MTT for more than 2% of my bankroll. Of my starting $50, I can only enter an MTT of $1 or less.

Obviously, the higher I build my bankroll, the higher buy in games I can play. Now, let's move onto my cash out strategy.

I have a seperate notepad kept for my cashouts that I owe myself and determining them is as follows. Every time I enter a STT or cash game, I put 3% of my buy in into a cash out fund, no matter if I win or lose at the game. Then, for every MTT tournament I enter, I must put 8% of my buy in into my cash out fund. I can and HAVE TO withdraw what's in my cash out fund once per month. This will let me know at the end of the month whether I have profited or lost on the tables and adjust my bankroll accordingly.

Well, that's pretty much it. If any of you play on FullTilt, leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail at with your username and we can get a few games in together!

Hectic Week

Wow, it's been a little bit since my last post, but it's been one heck of a week around here with the holidays and everything coming up. I had a holiday party to attend for work at Quonset Lanes in Festus and it was a blast. Unfortunately, I didn't bowl to the best of my ability and couldn't break 170. :( Free pizza and a few beers more than made up for that though. We couldn't end our party by 9pm, so most of us agreed to head over to the bar afterward where we'd get some shots, dance, and have a good time. Over the course of a MONDAY night holiday party, I drank my fair share of beer, had 3-4 shots, and saw a set of titties at the bar... good times.

Over the last week or two I also went and saw two concerts that were both amazing. One of them was the HoHo show that was put on by The Point featuring Sick Puppies, Papa Roach, and Breaking Benjamin.

The other concert was a smaller show at Fubar with some really good bands like We Came as Romans and I See Stars. I had never heard of these bands before I went to the show, but since going, I have stuck them on my "to download" list at home and will be updating my music library very soon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christians Deny 9,999 religions. Atheists deny only one more.

Check out the above link for a little creative reading and then enjoy the video below for some amazing insight.

Ignore the first part about the twin towers; it's just some conspiracy theory, but the religion discussion in part 2 is very worthwhile and well researched.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Gay Army

The Gay Army
A question that has been highly raised in recent years deals with whether or not homosexuals should be permitted to enlist and be active in the United States Military. As the policy stands, homosexual men and women are not welcome in our military and aren’t allowed to fight for our country. Under federal law, openly gay citizens are prohibited from serving in the United States Military. This is often referred to as the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. (Time)
Many Democrats demand that the policy be lifted and that gays and lesbians be allowed to serve our great nation just as anyone else may. (lift the ban) They see homosexuals as people who deserve equal rights to do as they choose, whether it be to serve in the military, cook a burger at McDonald’s, or run for President of the United States. Many homosexuals exclaim that they aren’t attracted to every member of the same sex, just as all heterosexuals aren’t attracted to every person of the opposite sex.
A point that is often argued by these individuals is that a man or woman stuck in a foxhole without a shower for three to four days and no grooming isn’t exactly the most attractive of qualities. To say that men and women of homosexual origin are of a different mindset than heterosexuals is absurd, ignorant, and chauvinistic at times. Gays and lesbians have the same moral standards as their heterosexual counterparts and share the same standards of life like family, compassion, friendship, and a sense of need to accomplish a task at hand.
On the other hand, this country’s politicians and lawmakers are far from stupid and ignorant people. To say so would be to say that we are a stupid and ignorant people for having elected them. The laws these men and women provide for us, the citizens, are meant to be for the best of interest. Much thought and calculation is put into each and every law and policy before it is shoved through and passed by the house, the senate, and the president. No matter is too small a topic for open discussion amongst these panels and anything that may come up in the media or be presented by an individual or group is given great consideration.
One of the many points brought forward in keeping the policy the way that it stands is a furtherance of a pre-existing policy. No family member may serve in the same military unit and another family member. The reason for this is to keep each unit functioning with little to no predetermined emotional ties. This makes it easier to construct the unit to perform under rule of law and keep all practices strict, to the point, and concise. I know that if my mother, father, brother, or sister were serving by my side, being sidetracked by them would be inevitable because I’d feel more compassion for them if they weren’t succeeding and vice versa.
A unit that functions under rule of law would, ideally, always react in the perfect way to any given situation. There would be no outside emotion tied to an event such as a little brother taking harsh criticism, or a wife being punished for not keeping up with the pack.
To allow gays and lesbians into the military would surely create relationships at some point and thus would violate the policy on family in a given unit. (Wallace) A bond would be created between the two individuals and the aforementioned ties and situations would be imminent. To have this occur in the middle of a battlefield would be costly, not only to the two lovers, but to the entire unit. One man falling behind to mourn a loved one could cost the entire unit its lives.
After having read a very informative article online by Boeree, I have come to another conclusion on the matter in that being homosexual is most likely a genetic rendering of sexual orientation or preference. According to Boeree, it was discovered that “52% of the identical twins of male homosexuals were also homosexual, compared to only 22% of non-identical twins. Likewise, they found that if one identical twin is lesbian, in almost 50% of the cases studied, the other twin is lesbian as well, in comparison to 16% of the non-identical twins.” (Boeree)Many scientists believe that a gene as recessive as homosexuality, is recessive because it lacks a meaningful purpose. It’s not beneficial to its inhabitant and sometimes can be hurtful. Obviously, being homosexual is harmful to mankind as many gays and lesbians do not bear offspring and thus if everyone were homosexual, the world could not continue.
Because of this, homosexuality is seen as an impurity in the genetic system of those individuals who possess it. The military does not openly accept men and women with poor eyesight, bowed legs, or any other type of genetical handicap. Based on these findings, homosexuality is quite possibly a genetical handicap and should be placed on the list of red flags.
As much as the liberal media would like to say that the next issue does not or should not matter, I would like to point out that if the majority of the active duty soldiers are offended or feel uncomfortable about having a gay or a lesbian in their unit or squad, it will definitely disrupt normal, everyday activity between their squadron. The fact of the matter is that most men and women do feel uncomfortable around those of a homosexual preference and are often worried about whether he or she is thinking of them sexually, romantically, or at all.
While denouncing homophobia and acknowledging the work of lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans at the State Department, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff noted that ". . . I think it's a different matter with respect to the military, because you're essentially told who you're going to live with, who you're going to sleep next to." (truthout)
Many say that thinking this way is a little too self-confident and a disgrace to the homosexual at hand and they may be right, but that does not stop it from happening. If even one of my squad members feels awkward around a gay or a lesbian, it can disrupt our entire mission, hinder our safety, or make us less functional as a whole. If cutting gays and lesbians out of our military makes it more functional, more connected, and more efficient, I am going to have to say that it’s for the better of the American people to leave them out of the military so that we may continue to have the best military in the world and keep our freedom. If we don’t take a stand on an issue like this and our military suffers because of it, homosexuals may never even have a right to stand up and speak in public or anywhere else.
With Barack Obama’s pledge to remove the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, having homosexuals in the military is just as likely to cause an uproar on a similar scale to that of the current healthcare reform bill. It is going to be delegated for months or years to come and to think that we are going to waste precious time arguing about this in congress instead of something that is actually important is absurd. Just stop to think about how ridiculous this is when we have so much poverty in America. We have many homeless and jobless Americans right here and that is a problem that needs to be solved before we start arguing who gets to serve in the military. Honestly, most everyone does not want to serve in the military; they’re just bored and want to be involved, so they come up with something as radical as this to generate attention so that they may serve, even though they probably will not anyway.
In conclusion, I feel that gays and lesbians should not be allowed to serve in our military for, quite simply, the reasons they are already not allowed. Any and all of the reasons mentioned by the military, the former President, and Congress are very well researched and looked into. I don’t think that making a judgment or a law such as this was taken in stride by our elected officials, but the conclusion was reached after numerous months, even years before the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was implemented. It is not safe for them to serve in the military when they could be better use for something else to help. I’m willing to offend them with my views if it means to save their freedoms in the process.

Works Cited
Boeree. <>.
—. 17 November 2009 <>.
lift the ban. .
Time. 19 November 2009 .
truthout. 30 November 2009 .
Wallace. 30 November 2009 .

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Successful Student Senate Christmas Party

As you can see above, our Christmas party in Student Senate was a huge success. We had a ton of cookies, meat and cheese trays, and presents for everyone!

Heater decided to show me a magic trick at the very beginning of the party that she wasn't very good at. :P She managed it though and guessed my card on the first try.

When we went to play some Bingo for door prizes, I just knew I was going to be the first to win and I ended up bagging my prize of "Footloose"! Everyone had a great time and I wish it would have lasted longer. I'd upload the rest of the images, but it's against the Senate policy. :( Maybe some other time!

Monday, November 30, 2009

I Hate Halo 3

Tonight I was quickly reminded as to why I stopped playing Halo 3 or any other Halo game in the first place. I hate it. It has got to be the most frustrating game on the entire planet. It pulls out the bad in you that you never thought you had. Before you know it, you're calling everyone in the planet a smelly fucking jew, or a God damned piece of shit mother fucker and, of course, you had sex with all their mothers. (see below)

It wouldn't be so bad, but everyone and their brother has mods on their 360 that make them run faster, jump higher, shoot heavier, and jump around the map like lice on the nasty kid in your third grade class.

I can't play games where it's so easy to mod your way to victory or standby yourself enough to lag the other team out because I'm a perfectionist. When I play any game, board game, video game, sports game, I always want to know every possible thing about it and how I can learn to get better. It's just not fun when little Timmy across the street got his parents to buy him a mod that makes pressing the "A" button kill people without having to actually aim.

Fuck that, I'm out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving to Remember

I was pretty disappointed when I found out I was secheduled to work from six p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving. My family was coming into town for part of the weekend and I really wanted to spend some time with my little brother. Well, they came in the night before Thanksgiving and we spent a few hours together playing games and just talking about nothing.

Because I stayed up so late the night before, I didn't wake up until 1:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. What a waste! However, unlike previous years, we didn't eat dinner until 4:00. Once dinner was served, I scarfed down my plate of turkey, stuffing, mac and cheese, green beans, and God knows what else and headed off to work.

I missed out on all the fun board games that my family plays every year after dinner and dessert that I enjoy so much. My cousin brought games like Quelf, Pictionary, Scrabble, Charades, and a few others. I really wish I could have been there for that.

It was just as I thought it would be at work: dead. We had a few trickling orders on the screen, but for the most part, we had nothing to do. Katy and I played about an hour's worth of hangman, to which I prevailed 8-7! When it was time to start cleaning, we both became procrastinators very quickly, but in time, we started our nightly duties.

It was only a few minutes in when I got hit right in the back with something wet. When I turned around, I got hit in the nipple. Katy was squirting soapy water at me through a squirt bottle. Seeing how I don't mess around, I went straight to the back of the store, put some ice cold water in a bucket and snuck up behind her. She turned around when I yelled her name to scare her and drenched her from the neck down.

Katy let out a squeal that would pierce your ears and ran to the back while I ran out the front so that she couldn't get her revenge. Little did I know that when I came back in, she would have a bucket waiting for me. A HUGE bucket! Oh, but it doesn't stop there. She filled her huge bucket with the warm, disgusting, dish water that had been sitting for over an hour that I hadn't drained yet. When I walked around the corner to talk to her, I got a crotch full of nasty water.

Now, I'm trying to think of ways that I can top that at work without getting in too much trouble, so if you have any ideas, drop me a comment or an e-mail at I'd greatly appreciate it!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

92% To Win, But Lose

My buddy Mike gave me a call this afternoon to talk some poker and tell me about some of his streaks lately and how he's coming off a nice $350 win in an online tournament. Naturally, this got me buzzing about poker again and I decided that we should play some together when I got out of school today. What better way to pay off that stupid improper lane ticket bullcrap I got a few weeks ago, right?

It was the longest day of school ever: Rain, studying, senate, and an itch for poker that I just couldn't scratch. Eventually, the day came to an end and I headed immediately home to log in and find a good tournament.

I got Mike on the phone and asked him to play in the same tournament as I did so that we could discuss hands as we went along. Mind you, we weren't at the same table, so we weren't discussing hands that each other were involved in. Anyway, we decided on a $11 tournament in which there were 2800 entrants and first place was $4,165. Not a bad chunk of change if I do say so myself. The blind structure wasn't bad and we got a nice lump of 3,000 chips to start off with.

The tournament started off a little shaky for the both of us and our stacks dropped down to about 1,000 each. I got a little nervous as I headed into the first break with only 950 chips and blinds of 100/200 after the break with a 25 chip ante.

When the break ended, I came out with guns blazing. I fired in some pots and doubled my way up to 1,900. After a few more hands and a sick bluff on a guy that had been pushing garbage the whole tournament, I was sitting back casually with 9,000 in chips. There were only 200 more entrants to go and we were in the money.

That's when something terrible began to happen. I picked up AA under the gun with blinds at 150/300 and a 50 chip ante. I raised quickly to 900 and got a re-raise to 2765. I thought for a second about how to play this hand and re-popped him to 4750 and he reluctantly called. The flop came 10, 6, K, rainbow. I fired out my remaining 2140 chips into the massive pot and expected a dominating call. After a while of delegation on his part, he called and flipped over JJ. "YES," I yelled and jumped up out of my chair. He only had two outs and if he didn't hit, I'd be sitting with over 21,000 chips going into the second break.

The very next card dealt was the jack of clubs. (Refer to picture above for initial reaction) I was devastated. All my hard work in this tournament was again for naught as the river drew a blank for me and my tournament was ended. I missed making the money because some donkey made a terrible call and then got lucky on an 8% chance. What a son of a bitch.

I guess there's always next time! You can find me on Pokerstars playing in the nightly $20,000 guaranteed under the tag wishywash489. Come join me and let's play!

Monday, November 23, 2009

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

So, I'm coming to you a couple days off a pretty fun, yet embarrassing Saturday night. Chris, Seth, and I set out to the landing Saturday night to do some drinking and dancing and have a good time at the bar. We did a little pre-gaming at Chris's place with some SoCo and Bud Lite, but nothing too heavy. I did a couple of shots and we left the house.

Arriving at Big Daddy's, the place was just starting to fill in as the night was still fairly young. We hit the bar right away and ordered a few drinks. Now, I don't know what got into this bartender, but she was mixing them strong that night it wasn't long before intoxication set in. From there, we hit up Morgan Street Brewery and got some $2 cherry bombs. Chris and Seth got two a piece and I took three.

At some point, I was separated from Chris and Seth and found my way over to a little table in the corner to try to settle my stomach for a bit. I have no idea how long I was sitting there wallowing in my upset stomach, but eventually, two girls came up to me and we began a conversation about God knows what; I can't remember. When Chris and Seth got back over to me, the patted me on the back for finding two women to party with the for the rest of the night, but honestly, I couldn't remember them walking up to me or what I had said to them.

From there, we hurried over to the dance floor and began moving our bodies around in some sort of pattern that may often times be confused as dancing. Trust me, it probably wasn't pretty. The next thing I remember, we are all at Lumiere Casino waiting in line to enter and the doorman said that Chris and Seth were too drunk to go inside. Ironically, I was well worse off than the two of them, but we turned away and went outside to call a ride.

It was only about 20 minutes later when Chris's grandma showed up to pick us up and take us for some food. We offered to pay, but she insisted and we obliged. Any time I can score a free meal, I'm damn well going to do it!

When we got back to the house, Chris started playing some game online and we all began eating. Somehow, I ended up eating all of Chris's fries and my own and then denied it because I didn't remember doing it.

The next day, I went through my texts and saw a lot of random drunk texts to a few people and some begging for help to walk. Needless to say, I'm completely embarrassed about that and apologize to any of you who may have received one or two.

Either way, I had a ton of fun out and can't wait to do it again; I'm just going to keep it a little more sober from here on out!

Blind Faith Explained

Many of the people in my life have often heard me refer to myself as bl1ndf41th or Blind Faith. It started out one day when my Xbox Live gamertag needed an overhaul and I really wanted something meaningful to take the place of "VespidAura", a randomized tag created by Microsoft.

I began thinking about what type of tag I wanted when I decided to search Google for common situations in every man's life and one of the instances that turned up was losing your first love. I suppose I was having an emo day and thought that creating an I.D. to represent this would be a perfect idea. Thus, bl1ndf41th was created.

The way I came to this name was through a lot of thought and delegation. I wanted the name to stand out and make people ask, "Why that?" Well, the answer is simple.

Everyone, male of female, has that first love in their life. It's a brand new feeling for you and often times for them as well. It generally occurs between sixteen and eighteen years of age and you feel as if you're on top of the world. Nothing can hurt you; you have everything you've ever wanted. You put all of your faith and trust into that person because you know that there is no way he/she would ever harm you and you wouldn't harm them either.

One day, though, you hear those awful words: "We need to talk." Four words so often spoken, but rarely ending in happy circumstance. I had followed her blindly up until this point in our relationship over nearly two years. I couldn't imagine what she needed to talk to me about. I really thought that I was going to hear something about taking the next step or wanting to spend more time together. I mean, I was spending quite a bit of time with my friends of late and paid slightly less attention to her.

It was then that her shoulders slumped, her light-hearted face turned into a cold frown, and tears began to fall from her cheeks. "I made a terrible mistake," she said. "I cheated on you with Frank."

I was absolutely devastated. I couldn't even begin to speak; the only thing I could do was roll over on my bed to my side and let the tears silently roll off my face. The pain I felt in my heart was unlike anything I had ever felt before and my whole body went numb. We cried together in those final moments together and eventually, she got up and left.

Days passed as I lay in my own misery. I didn't go to class, I didn't eat at all, and I didn't stare away from the wall in my room for hours at a time. Eventually, I was able to get hold of myself and pretend nothing had happened. The way I look at women will never be the same again, though I know I'll have to trust one again sooner or later if I plan on being happy again.

It was that faith in her that caused it to hurt so much. I followed her blindly for nearly two years. That is how I reached the name: Blind Faith