
You only ever do this once.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hectic Week

Wow, it's been a little bit since my last post, but it's been one heck of a week around here with the holidays and everything coming up. I had a holiday party to attend for work at Quonset Lanes in Festus and it was a blast. Unfortunately, I didn't bowl to the best of my ability and couldn't break 170. :( Free pizza and a few beers more than made up for that though. We couldn't end our party by 9pm, so most of us agreed to head over to the bar afterward where we'd get some shots, dance, and have a good time. Over the course of a MONDAY night holiday party, I drank my fair share of beer, had 3-4 shots, and saw a set of titties at the bar... good times.

Over the last week or two I also went and saw two concerts that were both amazing. One of them was the HoHo show that was put on by The Point featuring Sick Puppies, Papa Roach, and Breaking Benjamin.

The other concert was a smaller show at Fubar with some really good bands like We Came as Romans and I See Stars. I had never heard of these bands before I went to the show, but since going, I have stuck them on my "to download" list at home and will be updating my music library very soon.