
You only ever do this once.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving to Remember

I was pretty disappointed when I found out I was secheduled to work from six p.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving. My family was coming into town for part of the weekend and I really wanted to spend some time with my little brother. Well, they came in the night before Thanksgiving and we spent a few hours together playing games and just talking about nothing.

Because I stayed up so late the night before, I didn't wake up until 1:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. What a waste! However, unlike previous years, we didn't eat dinner until 4:00. Once dinner was served, I scarfed down my plate of turkey, stuffing, mac and cheese, green beans, and God knows what else and headed off to work.

I missed out on all the fun board games that my family plays every year after dinner and dessert that I enjoy so much. My cousin brought games like Quelf, Pictionary, Scrabble, Charades, and a few others. I really wish I could have been there for that.

It was just as I thought it would be at work: dead. We had a few trickling orders on the screen, but for the most part, we had nothing to do. Katy and I played about an hour's worth of hangman, to which I prevailed 8-7! When it was time to start cleaning, we both became procrastinators very quickly, but in time, we started our nightly duties.

It was only a few minutes in when I got hit right in the back with something wet. When I turned around, I got hit in the nipple. Katy was squirting soapy water at me through a squirt bottle. Seeing how I don't mess around, I went straight to the back of the store, put some ice cold water in a bucket and snuck up behind her. She turned around when I yelled her name to scare her and drenched her from the neck down.

Katy let out a squeal that would pierce your ears and ran to the back while I ran out the front so that she couldn't get her revenge. Little did I know that when I came back in, she would have a bucket waiting for me. A HUGE bucket! Oh, but it doesn't stop there. She filled her huge bucket with the warm, disgusting, dish water that had been sitting for over an hour that I hadn't drained yet. When I walked around the corner to talk to her, I got a crotch full of nasty water.

Now, I'm trying to think of ways that I can top that at work without getting in too much trouble, so if you have any ideas, drop me a comment or an e-mail at I'd greatly appreciate it!


  1. the only prank i know is to staple clothing to a surface when a person sleeps. is it possible to sleep at Dominoes? maybe say a guy requested she deliver a pizza and send her to themiddleoffuckingnowhere

  2. Your suggestion sounds a lot like something I saw on Barats and Bareta. Enjoy!
