
You only ever do this once.

Monday, November 23, 2009

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

So, I'm coming to you a couple days off a pretty fun, yet embarrassing Saturday night. Chris, Seth, and I set out to the landing Saturday night to do some drinking and dancing and have a good time at the bar. We did a little pre-gaming at Chris's place with some SoCo and Bud Lite, but nothing too heavy. I did a couple of shots and we left the house.

Arriving at Big Daddy's, the place was just starting to fill in as the night was still fairly young. We hit the bar right away and ordered a few drinks. Now, I don't know what got into this bartender, but she was mixing them strong that night it wasn't long before intoxication set in. From there, we hit up Morgan Street Brewery and got some $2 cherry bombs. Chris and Seth got two a piece and I took three.

At some point, I was separated from Chris and Seth and found my way over to a little table in the corner to try to settle my stomach for a bit. I have no idea how long I was sitting there wallowing in my upset stomach, but eventually, two girls came up to me and we began a conversation about God knows what; I can't remember. When Chris and Seth got back over to me, the patted me on the back for finding two women to party with the for the rest of the night, but honestly, I couldn't remember them walking up to me or what I had said to them.

From there, we hurried over to the dance floor and began moving our bodies around in some sort of pattern that may often times be confused as dancing. Trust me, it probably wasn't pretty. The next thing I remember, we are all at Lumiere Casino waiting in line to enter and the doorman said that Chris and Seth were too drunk to go inside. Ironically, I was well worse off than the two of them, but we turned away and went outside to call a ride.

It was only about 20 minutes later when Chris's grandma showed up to pick us up and take us for some food. We offered to pay, but she insisted and we obliged. Any time I can score a free meal, I'm damn well going to do it!

When we got back to the house, Chris started playing some game online and we all began eating. Somehow, I ended up eating all of Chris's fries and my own and then denied it because I didn't remember doing it.

The next day, I went through my texts and saw a lot of random drunk texts to a few people and some begging for help to walk. Needless to say, I'm completely embarrassed about that and apologize to any of you who may have received one or two.

Either way, I had a ton of fun out and can't wait to do it again; I'm just going to keep it a little more sober from here on out!

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